「國際長片競賽」單元勇奪大獎的是,場場QA觀眾掌聲不斷的《心繫洋波湖》(With My Heart in Yambo)果然不負眾望勇奪首獎,獲得獎金美金一萬元;優等獎部分則是《馬修定律》(Matthew`s Laws)以及同樣入圍「台灣映像」單元的《尋找背海的人》(The Man Behind the Book,各獲得獎金美金六千元;特別推薦為爭議性十足的《艾未未.草泥馬》(Ai Weiwei:Never Sorry)以及遠從墨西哥來的導演《旱》(Drought)。
「國際短片競賽」單元,獲得評審一致的肯定,掃遍全球各大影展的《我可能是,或已經是》(People I Could Have Been and Maybe Am)拿下國際競賽短片首獎,獎金五千美元;優等獎兩名分別是《給母親的信》(Samna’s Letter )、《祖母、一千次》(Grandma, a Thousand Times)獎金美金兩千五百元;導演在頒獎典禮最後一刻得知自己得獎,但是礙於行程無法來台,分別在典禮開始前一刻錄製了得獎感言,感謝紀錄片雙年展介紹他們的作品給台灣的觀眾。
亞洲獎部分則是導演花了20年貼身記錄的《老房子的聲音》(The Sound of Old Rooms);獎金美金五千元;優等獎則是超過15個國際影展爭相邀請,得獎無數《摔不壞的攝影機》(5 Broken Cameras)獎金美金兩千五百元;特別推薦則是受邀2012柏林影展「青年論壇」單元的《金映歲月》(Golden Slumbers)、拿到2011日本山形紀錄片影展國際競賽優秀獎得《阿仆大的守候》(Apuda)。
台灣獎首獎得主為姚宏易導演的《金城小子》(Hometown boy)在評審會議中獲得壓倒性勝利,將獲獎金新台幣二十萬元;評審團特別獎《邊城啓示錄》(Boundary Revelation)為一群留守在泰緬邊境平反發聲的紀錄片,獎金新台幣十萬元;特別推薦則是林靖傑導演的《尋找背海的人》(The Man Behind the Book)。
國際長片競賽 |
獎項 |
片名 |
導演 |
首獎 |
《心繫洋波湖》 (With My Heart in Yambo) |
瑪莉.費南達.雷斯波 María Fernanda RESTREPO |
優等獎 |
《馬修定律》 (Matthew`s Laws) |
馬克‧史密 Marc SCHMIDT |
優等獎 |
《尋找背海的人》 (The Man Behind the Book |
林靖傑LIN Jing-Jie |
《艾未未.草泥馬》 (Ai Weiwei:Never Sorry) |
愛麗森.克萊曼 Alison KLAYMAN
《旱》 (Drought) |
艾維拉多.貢薩雷斯Everardo GONZÁLEZ |
國際短片競賽 |
獎項 |
片名 |
導演 |
首獎 |
《我可能是,或已經是》 (People I Could Have Been and Maybe Am) |
波利斯‧蓋瑞茲 Boris GERRETS
優等獎 |
《給母親的信》 (Samna’s Letter ) |
海德克萊曼.薩塔克Hadar Kleinman-ZADOCK 提納古德史丁.哈塔柏Timna Goldstein-HATTAB
優等獎 |
《祖母、一千次》 (Grandma, a Thousand Times) |
瑪哈穆德.喀布爾Mahmoud KAABOUR |
亞洲獎 |
獎項 |
片名 |
導演 |
首獎 |
《老房子的聲音》 (The Sound of Old Rooms) |
雷珊帝 Sandeep RAY |
優等獎 |
《摔不壞的攝影機》 (5 Broken Cameras) |
艾曼.博納特 Emad BURNAT 蓋.戴維迪 Guy DAVIDI |
評審團特別推薦 |
《金映歲月》 (Golden Slumbers) |
周戴維 Davy CHOU |
評審團特別推薦 |
《阿仆大的守候》 (Apuda)。 |
和淵 HE Yuan |
台灣獎 |
獎項 |
片名 |
導演 |
首獎 |
《金城小子》 (Hometown boy) |
姚宏易YAO Hung-I |
評審團特別獎 |
《邊城啓示錄》 (Boundary Revelation) |
李立劭LEE Li-Shao |
評審團特別推薦 |
《尋找背海的人》 (The Man Behind the Book) |
林靖傑LIN Jing Jie |
María Fernanda RESTREPO’s WITH MY HEART IN YAMBO won Grand Prize in the Feature Length Competition at the 8th Taiwan International Documentary Festival on October 25, 2012. Boris GERRETS’s PEOPLE I COULD HAVE BEEN AND MAYBE AM, won Grand Prize in the Mid-Length & Short Competition. Grand Prize in the Asia Award is given to Sandeep RAY’s THE SOUND OF OLD ROOMS, while the Grand Prize winner in the Taiwan Award is YAO Hung-I’s HOMETOWN BOY.
Congratulations to the winners. Special screenings of the awarded films will be announced at the official website and blog.
Here is a Complete List of 2012 TIDF Awards Winners:
International Feature Length Competition |
Award |
Film |
Director |
Grand Prize |
With My Heart in Yambo |
María Fernanda RESTREPO |
Merit Prize |
Matthew`s Laws |
Merit Prize |
The Man Behind the Book |
LIN Jing-Jie |
Special Mention |
Ai Weiwei:Never Sorry |
Alison KLAYMAN |
Special Mention |
Drought |
Everardo GONZÁLEZ |
International Mid-Length Competition |
Award |
Film |
Director |
Grand Prize |
People I Could Have Been and Maybe Am |
Merit Prize |
Sumna’s Letter |
Hadar Kleinman-ZADOCK Timna Goldstein-HATTAB |
Merit Prize |
Grandma, a Thousand Times |
Mahmoud KAABOUR |
Asia Award |
Award |
Film |
Director |
Grand Prize |
The Sound of Old Rooms |
Sandeep Ray |
Merit Prize |
5 Broken Cameras |
Special Mention |
Golden Slumbers |
Davy CHOU |
Special Mention |
Apuda |
HE Yuan |
Taiwan Award |
Award |
Film |
Director |
Grand Prize |
Hometown Boy |
YAO Hung-I |
Special Jury Prize |
Boundary Revelation |
LEE Li-Shao |
Special Mention |
The Man Behind the Book |
LIN Jing-Jie |